Archive for the 'Betas' Category Make-over & in the works!

Jetsubmitter 2.0 is currently undergoing a pretty damn exciting make-over… new directories, speed enhancements, usability tweaks, new stats and graphs, reliability improvements, even Humanspinner integration. I’m in the process of adding as many as 400 new article directories… PLUS… well… let’s leave it at maybe another surprise for now. Put it this way, Jetsubmitter [...] Beta Begins

Fast & Easy Seed Articles In the past I’ve tried to come up with an easy solution for having your seed articles created on autopilot, unfortunately everything we tried was either not hands-off enough, or was too costly. Now finally I’ve created a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to have your seed articles created by [...]

New tools on the horizon

A little while back I asked if you could benefit from additional link building systems, a number of members responded with input and as a result Sponlinks has been born. Sponlinks will be made available in multiple stages. The first of which is a powerful and automated article exchange system that uses spun articles from [...]

Jetspinner Beta Phase 1 opening TODAY!

Those of you on the pre-notification list should be receiving an email shortly with details on how to get registered for phase 1 of the beta testing. The main goal of this phase is to weed out any major bugs and test how the server handles the multiple user load of article spinning. Once I [...]