Archive for the 'Spontent' Category

New tools on the horizon

A little while back I asked if you could benefit from additional link building systems, a number of members responded with input and as a result Sponlinks has been born. Sponlinks will be made available in multiple stages. The first of which is a powerful and automated article exchange system that uses spun articles from [...]

Jetsubmitter 2.0 Status

I just wanted to let everyone know I haven’t fallen asleep behind the upgrade… in fact I’ve barely slept at all since yesterday So far everything looks to have transfered correctly but I’m running final tests on all the new sites I added in. Once they’ve completed and everything checks out then we’ll be good [...]

Jetspinner Beta progress

The Beta is going extremely well.  A few small bugs have been weeded out but overall things look wonderful. I’ve also completed a Data Merge feature which is very cool.  You can take a CSV database file with information regarding similar items with different specs and pull these specs and details into the article all [...]

Logos and Names for Upcoming releases

Building Traffic through Articles

Article writing is one of the most time tested ways to build high quality backlinks and pagerank for your site no matter what the age or current ranking of the domain. The basic concept is simple, write an article, submit it to article directories where other users pick up your article and post it on [...]